我們上傳了另一批最近的 openSUSE + LibreOffice 2020 大會的演講與工作坊的影片!您可以在播放清單中觀看,而下面是單獨的影片:
Building LibreOffice’s Korean community, and CJK issues (DaeHyun Sung):
Fun with Firebird (Patrick Fitzgerald):
On sessions, statutes and software (Florian Effenberger):
History of Online & Mobile (Jan Holešovský):
ODF state of the union (Thorsten Behrens):
LibreOffice Virtual Hackfest (Ilmari Lauhakangas):
Collabora Office on iOS: Recent developments (Tor Lillqvist):
Ecosystem, Branding & Investment (Michael Meeks):
新聞來源:Next batch of videos from the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference 2020