這裡有更多來自 LibreOffice 大會 2021 的影片!使用右上角的按鈕檢視播放清單,或向下捲動以取得各個影片的連結:
注意:其中部份影片也可以在 PeerTube 上找到,而且還會有更多……
- A new open source tool for managing membership applications
- State of the Project and Marketing Plan Update
- The challenge of Using LibreOffice & Building Local Community in Korea
- There are no shortcuts to the magical world of technology (LPI)
- How to debug Writer, forwards and backwards (Episode 2)
- Expediting the Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Process
- Converting LibreOffice Guides into Web Pages
- Security in a Nutshell with Linux Essentials (LPI)
- (Spanish) Como se crean las certificaciones LPI desde Cero (LPI)